Bilateral Meetings
- 07.11.2014 Friday (3:20pm- 6:20pm)

Tim Systems Group is founded in 2010 as a result of the large experience of CEO and his closest associates in the field of information technologies. Tim Systems Group consists of two companies, Tim Systems and IT Excellence, both providing the services in the field of large software systems development, IT consulting and development of complete IT infrastructure. We have our own software product: Document Management system, HR management system, Warehouse management system, Mobile applications for retailers on the ground, Software solution for selling of advertising space (smart sales algorithm), Medical information management system. We have 10 persons in our development team (Microsoft SQL, Microsoft .NET, Ajax, HTML, CSS, AngularJS, Javascript,...)
Country: Serbia
Organization Type: Company
Organization Size: 1-10
Founding Year: 2010
Phone: 0114040483
City: Belgrade ,Vinogradski Venac 27/2 and Luke Vojvodica 24v Google map
Areas of Activities
Offering our solutions and development team, requesting coo funding partners
We are seeking for business partners in SEE region or WW for selling our solutions to their market. We are also offering our software development team for software outsourcing projects WW.