
ROSSANA TOLLAZZI , director at ROSSANA d.o.o.


Bilateral Meetings

  • 07.11.2014 Friday (3:20pm- 6:20pm)

Language school in Slovenia, teaching adults and children. Working with companies and ministries in Slovenia. Representative for different programs for language e-learning in Slovenia and Balkan.

Country: Slovenia

Organization Type: Company

Phone: +386 41 719 567

Email: rossana@t-2.net

City: 1370 Logatec ,Trzaska cesta 17 Google map

Areas of Activities



    Learning foreign languages through online programs

    A language school Rossana d.o.o., Slovenia, represents different online programs for self study or blended learning for foreign languages in the countries of Former Yugoslavia and other countries. The program monitors each student, corrects the mistakes, gives feedback and scores. You simply buy a licence for a month or a year and enter the program with the password and login name. You need only a computer and internet connection. Target partners: corporate market, ministries, schools and other institutions like libraries, individuals. Co-operation partners: partner(s) to join in the EU project, find a partner for selling these programs, the concept can be implemented on different existing platforms.
    Qualification of co-operation partner: IT knowledge, marketing skills

    Cooperation Offered
    1. Sales / Distribution