
Dragan Ozmo , Head of Belgrade office at Master Inzenjering doo


Bilateral Meetings

  • 07.11.2014 Friday (3:20pm- 6:20pm)

General information:
• Founded 2001.
• Twenty six permanently engaged employees of whom 10 (ten) are B.Sc. electrical
engineers, 12 (twelve) technicians, 4 (four) having logistic and administration duties.
• All the engineers are experienced ones worked with the company „Sever“, world
known manufacturer of electrical motors working on motor construction, engineering and
applications of motor control and automation as well as with Energoinvest, Sarajevo,
RBiH process automation division, working on supervising and start up jobs on various
domestic and foreign projects.
• All technicians are well trained professionals with huge experience in electrical cubicles
completion as well as electrical installation on number of projects.
• Multilingual communication
• Domestic Design and Errection Licences : 350, 352, 450, 453
• Implemented Quality Management System ISO 9001:2000, certified by SGS, CH.
• Certified supplier of EPS (Electrical Power System of Serbia.
Main activities :
• Industrial automation including PLCs, SCADA, AC, DC, Servo Drives and systems
• VFC for AC motors, open and closed loop, 025kW-1.9MW
• Servo controllers for AC/DC servo motors
• Digital controllers for DC motors up to 1850A
• Soft starters 9-1800A
• Project design using ePLAN Proffessional, project supervision, project
completion, testing and commissioning
• Complete solutions of automated systems
• Low voltage distribution plants
• MCC`s completion and site errection
• On site electrical and field equipment installation works
• After sales support 24h a day
• Principals' equipment delivery with service within company.
Exclusive Authorised Distributors, System Integrators &
Service partners of :
1. Emerson Industrial Automation (USA) - Control Techniques (UK)
AC, DC & Servo Drives
2. Emerson Industrial Automation (USA) - Control Techniques Dynamics (UK)
Servo motors and accessories
Authorised Distributors of:
1. SIBA (Germany) HV, LV, ultraquick industrial fuses
2. ATB Sever (Serbia), electrical motors
3. ABB (Finland), AC&DC motor drives
System integrator of Schneider Electric (France)
References in the following Industries:
• Energy
• Oil & gas
• Steel
• Tyre
• Water and Waste water
• Chemical
• Heating
• Crane and elevator
• Food
• Pharmaceutical
• Mining
• Paper

Country: Serbia

Organization Type: Company

Organization Size: 26-50

Founding Year: 2001

Email: masterinzenjering@gmail.com

Areas of Activities





        ASW making

        ASW software


        Industrial automation equipment & services

        Industrial automation equipment & services


        cooperation in the field of Industrial automation and 0.4 kV

        Opšte informacije:

        • Firma osnovana 2001.
        • Dvadeset i tri permanentno zaposlena od kojih devet inženjera elektrotehnike, jedanaest montažera i šemera i troje angažovanih na logistici i aministraciji.
        • Svi inženjeri su veoma iskusni radeći prvenstveno u “Sever-Inženjeringu”, Subotica na poslovima konstrukcije, inženjeringa i aplikacija upravljanja elektromotornim pogonima kao i u Energoinvestu, Sarajevo, na poslovima procesne automatizacije na domaćim i na stranim projektima uključujući projektantski i izvođački nadzor te puštanje u rad do dokazivanja garancija.
        • Svi montažeri su provereni profesionalci s dugogodišnjim iskustvom stečenim u “Sever-Inženjeringu”, radom na elektro montaži i montaži elektro ormana.
        • Izvođačke i projektantske licence
        • Firma je certifikovana prema ISO 9001:2008, Quality Managment System, standardu od strane SGS, Švajcarska
        • Kvalifikovani isporučilac JP EPS (Kompanija TENT, Panonske Elektrane, TEKO)

        Glavne aktivnosti:

        • Industrijska automatizacija uključujući PLC-ove, SCADA sisteme, AC i DC regulacija i upravljanje, servo upravljanje i sistemi
         Vektorski regulatori za AC motore u otvorenoj i zatvorenoj petlji 025kW-1.9MW
         Servo regulatori za AC/DC servo motore
         Digitalni regulatori za DC motore do 1850A
         Soft starteri 9-1800A
        • Projektovanje (ePLAN Proffessional), projektantski nadzor, montaža, nadzor nad montažom, kompletacija objekta te komišening.
        • Kompletna rešenja pogonskih sistema
        • Niskonaponski razvod
        • Izrada i montaža upravljačkih ormara
        • Elektro radovi, montaža
        • Isporuka opreme Principala sa servisom unutar firme
        • Post prodajna podrška na svim nivoima

        Ekskluzivni distributer :

        1. Emerson Industrial Automation (USA) – Emerson Control Techniques (UK)
        AC, DC & Servo Drives
        2. Emerson Industrial Automation (USA) – Emerson Control Techniques Dynamics (UK)
        Servo motori i oprema

        Autorizovani distributer:

        1. ATB Sever, Subotica, elektromotori
        2. SIBA (Germany) , HV, LV, ultrabrzi osigurači
        3. Schneider Electric (France), Niskonaponska oprema
        4. ABB Drives (Finland), AC & DC regulatori

        Korisnici naših usluga

        • EPS
        • EPRS BiH
        • DHV Holandija
        • US Steel Serbia, Smederevo
        • West Pharmaceutical, Kovin
        • Coca Cola HBC, Beograd
        • Dijamant Zrenjanin
        • Metalac, Gornji Milanovac
        • RTB Bor
        • Mittal Steel Zenica
        • Celex SGH Banja Luka
        • Metalfer Steel Mill Sremska Mitrovica
        • JKP Vodovod i kanalizacija Subotica
        • JKP Grejanje Pančevo
        • JKP Toplana Subotica
        • Novkabel Novi Sad
        • NIS Naftagas Zrenjanin
        • ATB Sever Subotica
        • Tigar Pirot
        • Azotara d.o.o. Subotica
        • Feni Industries Kavadarci Makedonija
        • Keramika Kanjiža
        • Pionir Subotica

        Keywords: AutomationEngineering0.4kV