Biljana Kojić Miladinović , sales manager at StanTech doo
Bilateral Meetings
- 07.11.2014 Friday (3:20pm- 6:20pm)
StanTech d.o.o. is a company located in Belgrade, Serbia, specialized in design and manufacturing of high quality packaging machines. Our packaging systems are used in food, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, in general in packaging industry.
Our production program covers:
1. Cardboard packaging lines and case erectors – hot melt or tape enclosing systems, fully automatic, index or continual motion
2. Side load cardboard packaging systems
3. Continual cardboard machine for envelope on the tray, can, bottle
4. Shrink wrap packaging lines.
StanTech has 40 employees and turn over over 2 milion Euros. Company is founded 2004 and oriented mostly on export, especialy to USA and Russian market.
We are taking an active part on international packaging exhibitions in: Chicago PACKEXPO, Düseldorf INTERPACK, Këln ANUGA FOOD TECH, Busharest, Tirana, Balgrade.
Country: Serbia
Organization Type: Company
Phone: +381 63 501 831
Email: bkojicmiladinovic@stantech.rs
City: 11080 Belgrade ,Aleksandra Petrovića 25 Google map
Areas of Activities
Offerig high quality products, requesting cooperation in sales and investment
StanTech is offering high quality packaging systems, wide and stabile markets, high educated and exeriance staff. StanTech is requesting cooperation in reperesentative on regional market other companies, looking for cooperation in parts, subassemblies production for simillar companies. We are requesting investments in new production hall and increasing production capacity.