Bilateral Meetings
- 07.11.2014 Friday (3:20pm- 6:20pm)

The company Planit Ltd. was founded in 1993. for development and industrial application of plasma technologies. As a priority, technologies that had a tendency of the rapid expansion of application in mechanical industry, such as plasma nitriding and plasma spraying, were selected.Parallel with providing services of plasma nitriding and heat treatment (improvement, cementation, annealing, etc. in the chamber furnaces) in own drives, Planit successfully carried out repairs of very complex functional parts and assemblies by plasma spraying technology, including the application of different metallization techniques in the customer’s drives. In addition to ambition to extend the application of technology wich Planit owns and improvement of existing professional skills that are attached to them, Planit is a strategically committed for winning and introduction in its drives the plasma technologies that have applications in other fields such as microelectronics, medicine, renewable energy sources, etc.
Country: Serbia
Organization Type: Entrepreneur
Organization Size: 1-10
Founding Year: 1993
City: Nova Pazova ,Vojvode Mišića 5 Google map