
Tomaž Levak , cofounder/director at Prospeh d.o.o.


Bilateral Meetings

  • 07.11.2014 Friday (3:20pm- 6:20pm)

Prospeh d.o.o. is developing OriginTrail system. OriginTrail is a food traceability solution for high quality meat and dairy products that allows product differentiation for brand owners and informed purchases for shoppers.

Country: Slovenia

Organization Type: Company

Phone: 003810600456788

Email: tomaz.levak@prospeh.com

City: Ljubljana ,Vojkova 63 Google map

Areas of Activities



      Offer & Request

      OriginTrail - food traceability system

      We are offering OriginTrail solution that makes high quality meat and dairy products traceable and helps food brand owners to:
      - clearly differentiate their brand based on the origin of their main ingredient,
      - raise trust in their brand in the eyes of their customers through complete transparency,
      - allows tracking customer feedback on every respective product,
      - allows direct messaging from producers to app users (promotional messages, security warnings, etc...).