Bilateral Meetings
- 07.11.2014 Friday (3:20pm- 6:20pm)

Geneko is a technology company specialized in designing and manufacturing highly reliable M2M products for its customers worldwide. In-house design and development of highly customizable hardware and software solutions are our core competences.
Fields of business
We focus on helping large companies to modernize their M2M business processes through wireless connectivity. Our vehicle monitoring service keeps your fleet safe and secure and your business operations reliable and efficient. We are committed to offer complete and cost-effective solutions to a wide range of customers.
Our production portfolio consists of four main categories:
• Cellular Routers and GPRS Terminals for M2M connectivity
• Satellite Vehicle Tracking Systems
• Fiscal Electronic Cash Registers and Fiscal POS Printers
• Sales Data Controller for implementation of the taxpayer’s financial system
Our highly adjustable solutions enable our Research & Development team to ensure reliable and cost-effective system designs for various customers’ demands with production of our own hardware and software from the scratch.
Reliable partner
Trustworthy and long-term business partnership based on high-quality products and extensive top-quality technical support of our experts is our primary goal.
We have structured our company to serve our customers by simplifying all business processes, so potential clients can reach us through a single point of contact.
We have been selling our products worldwide. We successfully applied Cellular Routers for ATMs, as well as in energy and water management, gas, oil and electricity distribution, telemetry and other M2M applications. Major markets for our Cellular Routers are the EU, Switzerland, as well as Asian countries.
As an authorized producer we participated in implementation of the taxpayer’s financial system for tax control in retail sale by GPRS terminals, Sales Data Controllers and fiscal cash registers in the SEE region and Africa. Our Spark GPRS terminal is an “Internet of Things” ready device for making every object connected and communicating. About 40% of all installed GPRS terminals in Serbia are Geneko Spark terminals.
Many transport companies and public services have applied Fox tracking devices for vehicles monitoring and fleet management. Beside local Serbian market — where we have significant local clients like large industrial systems, state administration, banks and companies from telecommunication sector — we have been mostly selling those products in the EU and SEE region.
Country: Serbia
Organization Type: Company
Organization Size: 51-100
Founding Year: 1991
Phone: +381 11 3340-178, 3340-591
City: Belgrade ,Bulevar Despota Stefana 59a Google map